Kiltimagh Medical Centre
Well Man / Well Woman Clinic
These days we all know the importance of a healthy lifestyle and that good habits reduce long term illess risk. But even if you eat the perfect diet and have an ideal exercise regime, it’s still important to monitor your health. In short, knowledge is power. Kiltimagh Medical Centre offers the Well Man / Well Woman screen. This is a comprehensive and rigorous health-screening assessment ,with a very broad range of diagnostic assessments and evaluations to measure your health status and help identify any potential health issues. On completion of your assessment, your doctor reviews the results with you, making recommendations on how you can maintain optimum health (including a folder containing all of your results and advice to take home with you)
We recommend that this screening check up should be done on an annual basis. Once you have registered for Wellwoman/Wellman screening you will be recalled on an annual basis. Medical Card and Doctor Visit Card holders can also avail of this service for a reduced fee.
A receipt from this examination can be claimed against your end of year taxes using the Med1 form.