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Joint Injections

A joint injection (intra-articular injection) is a procedure used in the treatment of inflammatory joint conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Gout, Tendonitis, Bursitis and Carpal Tunnell Syndrome.


A hypodermic needle is firstly injected into the affected joint under sterile conditions. Joint fluid may be withdrawn or aspirated from the joint for symptom relief as well as diagnostic testing. A dose of a corticosteroid (potent anti-inflammatory agent) with or without local anaesthetic is then injected into the joint capsule. Hyaluronic Acid, because of its high viscosity, is sometimes used to replace joint fluid (synovial fluid) which is often lacking in arthritic conditions leading to a dry inflammed joint. Symptom relief is typically noticeable within one to three weeks of joint injection

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